The Pleiadians: Your Cosmic Key to Unconditional Love

 Published On Apr 21, 2024

Immerse yourself in the transformative energy of the Pleiadians with these powerful psychic affirmations. Designed to elevate your consciousness and awaken your spiritual power, this guided meditation will transport you to a realm of boundless love, peace, and cosmic connection.

Embrace the wisdom and loving energy of the Pleiadian star beings as their presence washes over you. Feel your mind expand, your spirit soar, and your heart open to the infinite possibilities that reside within. These affirmations will guide you to:

Release limiting beliefs and embrace your true, expansive nature.
Tap into your innate psychic abilities and connect with your intuition.
Align with the healing vibration of universal love.
Experience deep relaxation, inner peace, and a sense of oneness.
Remember your connection to the cosmos and your role as a lightworker

Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or new to the world of meditation, these Pleiadian-inspired affirmations will offer you a profound experience of healing, transformation, and connection. Allow the gentle, nurturing energy and poetic visualizations to carry you to a higher state of consciousness where you can remember your boundless potential.

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Ending Song Lyrics:
Breathe in the universe, doubts fade away,
You are a child of the cosmos, they say.
Light surrounds you, a loving cocoon,
Birthright of stars, shining like the moon.

Open your heart, let love flow through,
Healing your wounds, making all things new.
Love is the language, the universe sings,
Calling you home, on silvery wings.

Never alone, on this journey we roam,
Connected by love, never far from home.
Your mind a sanctuary, peaceful and bright,
Inner reflections, bathed in pure light.
Eternal consciousness, timeless and true,
Joyful existence, forever in you.

Shimmering pool, reflecting your soul,
Healing within, making you whole.
Golden luminescence, filling your core,
Doubts fade away, forevermore.
Forgive yourself, embrace the light's grace,
Radiating love, in this time and space.

Deepen your breath, let awareness unfurl,
Beyond the body, a limitless world.
Pleeadian light, a loving embrace,
Wisdom's threads shimmer, filling this space.
Eternal spark, a fragment divine,
Radiant star, your true self will shine.

Breathe in the essence, of all that exists,
Eternity and joy, in gentle mists.
Celestial traveler, shaping your way,
Heart beats with the cosmos, day by day.
Knowledge like starlight, flowing within,
Peace is the answer, where wisdom begins.

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