Getting to Know Your Energy & Auric Field
Constance Messmer Constance Messmer
17.1K subscribers

 Published On Oct 28, 2023

The Importance of Energy and Your Auric Field: what you need to know!

Everything is made of up energy. You are a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Your spirit is what lives on; it is your energetic soul self.  

Join me as I explore some of the ways you can physically feel, energetically sense, and care for your own energetic field, known as your aura. It is the part of your energetic soul that extends beyond your physical body. When they're connected to the Divine or abundant Love, it becomes that radiant light that emanates from holy people.  

Perhaps, like me, your auric field needs extra attention and care. This segment is especially essential if you are sensitive, a psychic, a medium, or an empath (someone who picks up other people's energy).

In this session, I share some ways for you to feel auric fields, notice when yours needs care, and how to help yourself do so! 
In this segment, you will hear me say: "I release and detach all energy that is in Truth not mine. I claim back to me all energy that is in Truth mine; let it be cleansed or dissolved by the light upon its return to me. And so, it is!"   This is a helpful intonation that I use when necessary. And I teach it in some of my in-person classes when working with energy connections, energy releases, and claiming back your own power. 
Writings on Mystical Life, Spiritual and Psychic Development:
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About Soul Awareness with Constance Messmer:
Join Constance Messmer as she shares her experiences and expertise in all areas spiritual and metaphysical. It is with the senses of your soul that you are better able to navigate your life and world, bringing fullness into everyday living. Learn skills to enhance your connection to yourself, others, our world, and the higher realms. For best results, listen chronologically. These cumulative self-help sessions are meant to empower you to live fully alive by discerning and honoring the deeper truths of your own soul's awareness.
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