Separation Anxiety in Children

 Published On Premiered Jan 4, 2024

Separation anxiety (SAD) is a normal developmental stage in young children, where they experience fear of being separated from a parent/guardian or loved one. However, this can sometimes become a disorder, inducing panic attacks and interfering with school and other activities. Separation anxiety has also become more common as a result of the pandemic and school closures, as there is now a greater stress associated with social interactions. There are several other risk factors that can increase the risk of developing this disorder, and children should seek professional support from a child paediatrician or psychologist to prevent this from negatively impacting development.

This video was made by McMaster University student Bhavika Nayyar, Jhanvi Shah, Umar Hayat, and Prabhjot Bangar in collaboration with the McMaster Demystifying Medicine Program.

This video is for general and educational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for information about your health.

#separationanxiety #SAD #mentalhealth #children #wellbeing #anxiety

Copyright McMaster University 2023

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