Rick Levine's April 2024 Forecast: EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED
Rick Levine Rick Levine
68.2K subscribers

 Published On Apr 1, 2024

It’s fitting that April begins with mindful Mercury turning retrograde the evening of April 1 for a 24-day retreat, reminding us that we will need extra time to fully understand what is occurring now. Although we might try to process the complexity of events as they happen by reflecting on the past, it’s unlikely that we can connect the dots in a meaningful manner until the end of the month. The Aries New Moon on April 8 at 11:20 am PDT is a powerhouse Total Eclipse of the Sun that is more than likely to catalyze intense changes. Its exact conjunction with teacher Chiron amplifies a healing theme that’s present all month. If we are willing to correlate present circumstances with historical wounds, personal and cultural, we may be able to break free from repeating negative behaviors. But ignoring the past does not bode well for the future. Fortune favors the bold.

We are being challenged to overcome inertia while active Mars inches closer to constrictive Saturn. We must keep our dreams alive by aiming our intentions into the future or we might be overwhelmed by the apparent impossibility of reaching our goals. Hard work is rewarded but not until we successfully move through the exact Mars-Saturn conjunction on April 10. We could experience a rush of relief as this resistance passes, but we also may encounter difficult consequences if we attempt to avoid responsibility, deny the truth, or act without integrity.

The once-every-14-year conjunction of expansive Jupiter and electrifying Uranus which reaches perfection on April 20 may be the most significant planetary event of the entire year. This auspicious planetary combo is a multidimensional portal into the future that portends conceptual leaps, technological breakthroughs, and potential resolutions to previously irresolvable problems. It’s essential to keep our feet on the ground so we are not swept up in chaos or excess since this alignment occurs in earthy Taurus. The Sun’s shift into pragmatic Taurus on the 19th helps us to maintain our center of gravity, for a potential trap of the Jupiter-Uranus energy is the temptation to grow too fast or reach too far. We could miss out on the exciting potential of this cosmic opportunity if we overextend and lose our balance. However, the Sun forms a volatile square with domineering Pluto on April 21, illuminating the hidden power struggles that can block our progress. The Scorpio Full Moon on April 23 at 4:48 pm PDT intensifies the Sun-Pluto square, possibly revealing complex interpersonal dynamics but by facing them directly, rather than ignoring them, we can strengthen our resolve and stabilize our emotions.

Mercury’s direct turn on April 25 heralds a change in the cosmic weather, but it will still take several days to see progress from our previous actions. Mighty Mars undergoes a metamorphosis as it joins visionary Neptune on April 28. The power of imagination can bless us with spiritual superpowers or it can bring us down into the pits of despair. Circumstances may be out of our control but how we respond to external events can alter the trajectory of our lives. Fortunately, we are graced with the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, each entering their home signs at the end of the month. Sweet Venus slips into sensual Taurus on April 29 while assertive Mars enters sassy Aries on the 30th. But positive results are not guaranteed without our willingness to confront difficult issues, especially as Venus forms anxious aspects to taskmaster Saturn and transformational Pluto on April 30. Ultimately, April is like the eye of a needle. Intention and focus is required to pass through the opening, but once through the contractive stage, the potential is immeasurable. Although it may be time to look back, it's not time to hold back. Extraordinary times require extraordinary integrity and commitment.

Think cosmically, act locally.
~ Rick Levine

Time Stamps:
0:00:00 Beginning
0:00:28 Introductions
0:01:01 Announcements
0:16:48 Monthly Overview
0:30:24 April 1st Mercury Retrograde
0:37:50 April 2nd and 3rd
0:39:05 April 4th
0:40:11 April 6th =
0:42:40 April 7th The Lunar Nodes Foreshadow Tomorrow
0:43:21 April 8th The New Moon Eclipse
0:53:55 April 10th
0:56:05 April 11th
0:56:45 April 13th
0:57:54 April 15th
1:02:50 April 19th
1:07:20 April 20th A Pluto Sun Square Brings Second Thoughts
1:10:45 April 21st
1:12:00 April 23rd The Full Moon
1:15:22 April 24th Through the 26th
1:17:09 April 28th Through the 29th
1:19:25 April 30th A Powerhouse Ending for a Powerhouse Month
1:23:34 April Wrap up
1:26:00 Farewell, Think Cosmically, Act Locally

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