Computer History: ENIAC Colorization Project (Draft) 1946 vacuum tube electronics, minor edit

 Published On Mar 22, 2024

Together we take a look at our experiment in Colorization of an early computer film. We describe and discuss the early stages of our colorization project of the 1946 ENIAC film. This is a rough DRAFT of the colorization progress so far, using a tiny bit of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the processing. A visual journey into what the ENIAC might have looked like in color. Our source material is ENIAC film of 1946, along with other images of that time period. A first attempt at video editing and colorization this ancient film. Only a small AI influence in this draft, color is approximated, not necessarily the original color of the time. The project actively recruited women with exceptional math skills who then became the first ENIAC programmers. Your comments are welcome.

ENIAC was the brainchild of Dr. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, built under a secret contract started in1943, and finished in 1946.

The goal of colorization technology is to augment and enhance the visual details to create a stronger connection with images of people and things of the past. Colorized images are shown side by side with the original film.
Eckert and Mauchly went on to incorporate the world’s first computer company in 1947, producing the BINAC for Northrop Aircraft, and later the UNIVAC 1, after being purchased by Remington Rand. ENIAC is the “great grandfather” of many computers that came later.

Related Video and References:

1946 ENIAC Computer History Remastered Film
   • Computer History: 1946 ENIAC Computer...  

Girl figures out how to program giant computer: Kay Mauchly and ENIAC
   • Girl figures out how to program giant...  

National Museum of the United States Army (ENIAC)

Jean Bartik and the ENIAC Women
   • Jean Bartik and the ENIAC Women  

The ENIAC by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly
   • The ENIAC by J. Presper Eckert and Jo...  

BOOK: “Proving Ground”: A biography and history of the six women who invented programming for ENIAC, by Kathy Kleiman

John Mauchly Autobiography Part 1
   • John Mauchly Autobiography Part 1  

Colorization Software:
AVCLabs Video Enhancer AI (Win)

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