18+ VITALI DALKE vs. PETA | A.C.A.B - all catfish are beautiful

 Published On Nov 30, 2023

Freiburg police headquarters confirms search of angler's house.
Justice on the wrong track! Anglers are visited by several officers because of a catch & release video and at the same time Freiburg is one of the most criminal cities in Germany!
It is incomprehensible what happened to Mr Vitali D. there in the last few days! Several police officers ring him out of bed and start a house search. They confiscate several items of fishing tackle. And the police didn't even shy away from confiscating the toys (toy fishing rod) belonging to the accused's child.
But anyone who now thinks that this was for the accused Vitali D. is mistaken. The Freiburg police are getting down to business and searched the flat of the girlfriend, who lives 40 kilometres away!
Fighting fish suffering - PETA names Uwe Gutjahr from Freiburg police headquarters a "Hero for Animals"...

Source: GERATI - https://gerati.de/2019/03/09/polizeip...

Catfish angler publishes a video after being reported by PETA
A particularly controversial case took place in 2019. Catfish angler Vitali Dalke was reported by PETA, which had drastic consequences for him. In a YouTube video, which he recorded and published himself, he spoke about the legal proceedings. Police officers broke into his home and confiscated computers and fishing equipment. He himself was "treated like a highly criminalised angler gangster".


Catfish angler publishes emotional video after complaint.
Vitali Dalke had caught a catfish and let it swim again. As a result, he was reported to the police and has now published an emotional video in which he describes the harsh actions of the justice system.

The angler (Vitali Dalke) posted a video on Facebook in which he emotionally recounts what happened after he was reported to the police. Police officers searched his home and that of his parents for evidence and took computers, mobile phones and fishing rods. His son's fishing rods were also confiscated. Stunned, he writes in the video description: "Charged by Peta, treated like a highly criminalised angler gangster... "HELLS Anglers?".


A shocking video is currently doing the rounds in German-speaking angling circles, being spread via whatsapp, shared hundreds of times on Facebook and commented on thousands of times. The content? A visibly devastated angler recounts the traumatising moment when a five-man police task force stormed his home. In front of his son! Pretty much everything is confiscated. All storage media such as computers, hard drives, USB sticks and memory cards are confiscated from both the angler and his parents, and even business documents are simply taken away.

As if that wasn't enough, the task force also confiscates all the fishing equipment. Rods, reels, lines, inflatable boats and even the toy fishing rods hanging on the wall in the son's bedroom are torn down and taken away. All in front of the neighbours and, of course, the child. Unbelievable! At the same time as this action, a second task force enters the flat of the angler's girlfriend. Although she wanted to prevent the police from entering the flat. No help, search warrant available. The reason: Catch and release offence...

Source: https://www.angebissen.at/straftat-ca...

🔴You can support me for the court cases:
- https://www.donationalerts.ru/r/vital...
- PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/sportexboats
- Bank VISA card: Vitali Dalke, Nr: 4569 3305 3203 3038

#FCKPETA #PETA #VITALIDALKE #FREIBURG #ACAB #fishing #police #catfishing #germany

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