San Francisco's Crystal Palace with Lorri Ungaretti - an SFHS Program

 Published On Dec 8, 2020

For December 2020's SFHS monthly history program, San Francisco author Lorri Ungaretti takes us on a tour of the Crystal Palace Market, perhaps the City's most extravagant shopping venue of all time. Located on 8th and Market Streets, for 36 years the Crystal Palace Market offered 71,000 square feet of shopping delight. More than 60 vendors sold everything one can imagine--and then some. In addition to fruits and vegetables, there were butcher shops, tobacconists, egg vendors, candy makers, soda fountains, cheesemongers, fishmongers, honey stands, ice cream vendors, nuts from around the world, and purveyors of fine hats. There was a pet shop and a record store. Plus shoppers could view and purchase the latest appliances. The mega-market now known as Safeway even had a small stand there. Please join us for a visit to this remarkable long-gone marketplace.

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